Course curriculum

    1. Standing bow pose

    2. k.O.T. Prayer

    3. Standing Sep. Leg./Quad Wedge

    4. Hip Flex

    5. Awkward Pose

    6. Reverse Warrior

    7. Tree Pose

    8. Half Moon Pose

    9. Standing Head To Knee Posture

    10. Warrior

    11. Triangle Posture

    12. Eagle Posture

    13. Forward fold pose

    1. Hammer Lock Pose

    2. S-Grip Bridge Pose

    3. Reverse Quad Pod Pose

    4. Seated Forward Fold Posture

    5. Feet wide spine twist pose

    6. Seated half moon pose

    7. Prayer pose

    8. Superman posture

    9. Shoulder stand posture

    10. Fixed Firm Pose

    11. Bow Pose

    12. Camel Pose

    13. Down/Up Dog Pose

    14. Half Bo Pose

    15. Spine Twist Pose

    16. Seated V Pose

    17. Base Rock Pose

    18. Isolated Locust Pose

    19. Locust Pose

    20. Dolphin Pose

    21. Band Pose

    22. Seated Half Tortoise Pose

About this course

  • $27.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

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